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What products do you sell?

- We sell our own private blend of perfumes designed by our perfumers as well as fragrances inspired by well known brands

How identical are your products compared to the real ones?

- Our products are 90% identical to the original, we do not sell any fragrances we would not proudly wear ourselves. We also stock our very own private blends we have mastered over the years. (see Private Blend section)

How long does it last?

- This is dependent on the ingredients within the perfume and also where the perfume is sprayed. Typically Eau De Parfum lasts from 6 - 10 hours

Are your products vegan friendly and cruelty-free?

- Yes. Our products don't contain any ingredients derived from animals. 100% vegan and cruelty-free

What's the oil percentage?

- Again depends on the blend and the mix between the raw essential oils. The Perfumers use in the range of 30%-40%
